Working from the book jacket, Kinc carefully matched the colors and then developed a backdrop and stand-alone piece that, when photographed from the front, would seamlessly recreate the original cover. In to exactly duplicating Mary GrandPre's unmistakable images, Kinc was further challenged by the swirling "smoke" theme of the cover art, which had to me meticulously rendered on each successive layer of the diorama so that when viewed from the front, the "smoke" curls would line up flawlessly. The final effect was created by the installation of lights inside the "cauldron" so that patron's faces would be up-lit, exactly as Harry's and Dumbledore's are on the book jacket.
Kinc's book cover was a highlight of the launch event, with children
lining up to have their photographs taken as Harry Potter on the cover
of 'Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince."